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- I Pray Lord, Come
I Pray Lord, Come
"I Pray Lord, Come" is a new text written by Beth Dauenhauer. The verses outline the sinner's plight: as our sins are laid before us, our only hope can be found in Christ. Despite our foolish pride, our faults, and our guilt, there is no condemnation. "Christ was the price for my salvation, a price no treasure can repay."
1. I pray Lord, come and please do for me what for myself I cannot do.
When all my sins are laid before me, my only hope is found in you.
My sin outdistances contrition– So cold, complacent vain am I.
Remind me of my dark condition and of the quaking Sinai.
2. Again within the struggle rages, my pride against your will, O Lord.
I daily earn but my sin's wages; My faults I hide, my guilt I hoard.
And still there is no condemnation, No guilt to own, no debt to pay!
Christ was the price for my salvation, A price no treasure can repay.
3. Lend me your death and resurrection; Breathe life into this hollow frame,
That every thought and word and action display your love, declare your name.
I pray Lord, come and please do for me. What for myself I cannot do!
Christ, raise your cross and go before me; Of Spirit born, I follow you.©2014 Beth Dauenhauer
To hear an excerpt of this song, scroll to the bottom and play the video.
Included in your purchase: PDFs of Piano Accompaniment and Guitar Chords, Congregation Bulletin TIFF files in 2 sizes, 2 MP3 files, one with vocals and one accompaniment only.
Suggested donation: $15
Purchase of this song includes permission to use the music freely within an individual congregation. Purchases may not be transferred to or used in other congregations. If you have questions about this, please contact me.