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- Do Not Fear
Do Not Fear
Throughout Scripture, when God appears and speaks to his people, often the first words he speaks are, "Do not be afraid!" Beth Dauenhauer's hymn echoes these words, seeing God's loving grace as we runs after wayward sinners in the Garden of Eden. In the darkness on Calvary, God proclaims loudly, "Do not be afraid"--for God's grace is "reflected in the dying Savior's face." And as we struggle to live lives of love, we need be afraid, because we have God's grace, which is new every morning.
Sarah's tune for this beautiful comforting hymn builds to and peaks at those wonderful, comforting words: "Do not fear!" The melody highlights the comfort the promised Savior brings through his life, death, and resurrection.
In Eden's garden, once alive with light, my sin exposed, to my eternal shame,
would I have also crept away in fright as evening fell and God called out my name?
But do not fear, God seeks you with his grace,
His love illuminates your Savior's face.
On Calvary, that darkest day of days, the Lamb of God by man his blood was shed.
Would I have also turned away my gaze and scorned the Son
who crushed the serpents head?
But do not fear, God still extends his grace, reflected in the dying Savior's face.
Within your empty tomb I find rebirth; your resurrection life and light renew;
Your death imparts to me the highest worth; you live for me: how shall I live for you?
And do not fear, each day God's grace is new as Jesus turns his shining face to you.
Included in your purchase: PDF of Piano Accompaniment and Guitar Chords and Congregation Bulletin TIFF file (legal size). Also included are two MP3 files -- one instrumental and the other including vocals.
Suggested donation: $15
Purchase of this song includes permission to copy and use the music freely within an individual congregation. Purchases may not be transferred to or used in other congregations. If you have questions about this, please contact me.