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- So Wide and High Is Jesus' Love
So Wide and High Is Jesus' Love
Suggested donation: $15
Based on the beautiful words from 2 Corinthians 5:14-15, Laurie Gauger’s hymn text emphasizes how the gospel drives our lives of Christian love. It is because Christ lived and died for us that we are moved, equipped, and empowered to live in loving thanks to him and in loving service to others. The overwhelming love of Christ compels us to live today and every day for him.
This hymn text, which was written for and dedicated to the students at Atonement Lutheran School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, provides a wonderful framework for believers of all ages to proclaim the comfort and strength of Christ’s love. The verses reflect the various challenges children might experience at the various stages of their Christian life, yet always return to the beautiful gospel truth of the memorable refrain: “He knows me, and he names me. He came to earth to save me. Such love—it overwhelms me! The love of Christ compels me to live today for him.”
Sarah’s simple and accessible melody is also beautiful and memorable. It is a fitting complement to the simple and powerful words of 2 Corinthians 5:14-15.
(All Children) So wide and high is Jesus' love, so deep it's like the sea; beyond our reach, and yet we each can say, "The Lord loves me."
Refrain: He knows me, and he names me. He came to earth to save me. Such love-- it overwhelms me! The love of Christ compels me to live today for him.
(Younger Children) The world is big and I am small, and nights are dark and long, but I won't fear. My Lord is here! My Jesus makes me strong. Refrain
(Middle Children) When I don't know which way to go, and feel I don't belong, my Lord above says I am loved; with him I'm always home.
(Older Children) Though I may wander many roads and try on many lives, I'll never stray from Jesus' way for I belong to Christ. Refrain
(Parents and Cong.) We love to watch your lives unfold. We wonder what you'll be.Though you go far, in Christ we are forever family. Refrain
Included in your purchase: Piano & Guitar score, Lead Sheet, Bulletin insert and mp3 (piano only -- one with the optional bridge, one without).
Purchase of this song includes permission to copy and use the music freely within an individual congregation. Purchases may not be transferred to or used in other congregations. If you have questions about this, please contact me.